Wednesday 6th February (week 4, Hilary Term 2013)
Whose Security? The Politics of Alternative Scope Definitions
Wednesday 30th January (week 3, Hilary Term 2013)
Lotus F1 Team IT Security Overview
Wednesday 16th January (week 1, Hilary Term 2013)
MockDroid: trading privacy for application functionality on smartphones
Wednesday 21st November (week 7, Michaelmas Term 2012)
Security Games for the Smart Grid
Thursday 15th November (week 6, Michaelmas Term 2012)
Big Data and Network Security – how Cisco protects itself
Wednesday 7th November (week 5, Michaelmas Term 2012)
News from the front – How the CyberWar has changed
Wednesday 31st October (week 4, Michaelmas Term 2012)
Not all security is the same
Wednesday 24th October (week 3, Michaelmas Term 2012)
Evolving Cyber Resilience in Complex Socio-Technical Systems
Thursday 31st May (week 6, Trinity Term 2012)
Threats in the Digital Age – IBM Security Strategy
Monday 28th May (Trinity Term 2012)