10th March (Hilary Term 2014)
A Public Key Infrastructure for Social Movements in the Age of Universal Surveillance
Monday 3rd March (week 7, Hilary Term 2014)
Protecting Internet communications from pervasive monitoring
Thursday 27th February (week 6, Hilary Term 2014)
Emerging Challenges in Digital Evidence and Forensics
19th February (week 5, Hilary Term 2014)
Insider Threats, System Models, and Attacks
18th February (week 5, Hilary Term 2014)
Knowing me, knowing you: Human cognitive ability as a substrate for fraud-resistant digital identity
Wednesday 5th February (week 3, Hilary Term 2014)
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): hype & reality
Wednesday 29th January (week 2, Hilary Term 2014)
Computing on Encrypted Data
Wednesday 22nd January (week 1, Hilary Term 2014)
Internet surveillance: law and practice in a global digital environment
Tuesday 14th January (week 0, Hilary Term 2014)
Explorations in Authenticated Quantum Key Establishment
14th January (week 0, Hilary Term 2014)